Does God answer prayers……………………. every single day he does.
Last week I had a horrible doctor’s appointment with my Sports Physician and another MRI with horrible news.
My Sports Physician said he needs to refer me to an ortho surgeon after 12 weeks of stem cell therapy, PRP therapy. 12 week of physical therapy and cortisone shots for my torn rotator, frayed labrum and frayed bicep tendon. Thousands if dollars out of pocket, pain and time. He said that I was the 1% that this doesn’t work on and that I needed surgery.
Basically, I needed to start over, have surgery and these 12 weeks have been a waste of time, money and pain. I still couldn’t move my arm past parallel to the side or forward and I could not lift my arm up.
For 3 months, over 90 days, every single morning I went out into the desert and I prayed and prayed and prayed for healing. I wrestled with God like Jacob from the Bible wrestled with God, I asked him to heal me, I boldly wrestled with him and said I would not give up, I’m not going to stop until you bless me lol. Every morning I went out. My church family and my Pastor were also praying for me, my Christian friends prayed also.
This morning I went out into the desert and I told God. “I am NOT the 1% that this doesn’t work on”. I am the daughter of the King, I am healed. I recited my favorite Bible verse Mark 11: 24 “Jesus said to them have faith that you have ALREADY received WHATEVER you prayed for and it will be yours”. I lifted my arm, I said I am not the 1%. I said I was healed and I thanked him over and over for his healing. God was there with me every morning, even when I thought he wasn’t, he met me out in the desert every single day and he heard my prayer.
This morning. I looked up at the sun and I was able to raise my arm in praise for the one who saves.