Do Something Hard Today

Do something hard today.

Something that challenges you. Something “hard” for you can totally be different than something that’s hard for someone else, but it doesn’t make it less significant.

Maybe “her” hard was doing a 385lb deadlift today, that’s “her” hard, that’s not your hard.

Maybe your “hard” is just going for a 10 minute walk around the block if you’ve been in a rut. That’s your “hard”, your hard and her hard is no different, in fact, your hard to me is more significant, it’s hard to force yourself to get up and get out if you’re in a rut.

When we do something that’s “hard” it helps to build our self confidence, when we begin to believe in ourselves we begin doing even harder things because we realize we really can.

Go do something “hard” today, whatever that “hard” may look like to you, do it. And when you’re done doing it, acknowledge it, celebrate it with yourself because YOU did it, you and you alone.

It’s incredibly empowering.

Have an amazing day my friends, stay STRONG,

Coach Kim

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